This website hosts some of my packages and code samples for data analysis.

To learn more about my education and past experiences, check my LinkedIn profile. Here is a copy of my CV. Sorry, no easy downloads are provided in order to protect my privacy. In the past, my online accounts have been hacked multiple times by unknown people. I am just making their life a bit more difficult. Or should I say several bits? 😆

I have removed my CV for security reasons.

BTW, I am not a fan of spell checkers. If there are words spelled wrong here and there, that's because I write this website on a text editor which doesn't have a spell checker. Also, I am not planning on installing one because they could easily mess up your code. But I will correct them when I see them.

Some random facts about you. Yes, YOU.

Just a friendly reminder:

Each day, 80k acres of forests are disappearing ...

So think about that when you try to print something next time.
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