Through my years as a data analyst, I mainly use data collected and collated by others. Only rarely do I generate new data myself; when I do, they are secondary data based on primary sources like literature and field experts. This short article on sharing your research data and public data » summarizes my current view on this issue. I hope that people can find value in those scientific surveys, and generate a healthy demand on the data that are generated. This demand could provide some incentive for the public agency to improve the quality of the data and even better the sampling protocol; otherwise, it is just a waste of public resources to do those expensive surveys in the first place. In a sense, we, the data analysts, justify their public spending for them for free, and they should make the data sharing process as pain free as possible. OK, enough ranting.

Do take a look at my meager amount of data. Datasets with a green label Finished have been peer reviewed for correctness, and any changes in their content will be noted in a footnote; those with an orange labele Under Review are still being reviewed, and their content may change without notice. If you find an error in any of the datasets, please leave a comment here

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You may post any other comments on data on this dedicated page.


Go to the GitHub Link for the most recent version. The data files on figshare are only for those with a sensored connection.

Under Review

Under Review


Just a friendly reminder:

Each day, 80k acres of forests are disappearing ...

So think about that when you try to print something next time.
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